2-7 days delivery
Cheap shipping
Great savings
From the time that the order is shipped, it should take between 2-7 business days to arrive.
At we are happy to accept returns within 14 days of receiving your order. We will refund the credits into your account and you will be able to spend them again on' products. Cosmetic products have to be returned unopened and clothing needs to be returned with no signs of usage. Please don't hesitate to contact our customer service if you need any assistance - We are ready to help!
When you purchase products at a member price, you will automatically be registered as a member of the club. During the first 3 days, you will have a initial period to discover the membership perks and try our services, after the day 3 you will be charged the membership full price, which will be converted 1:1 into credits and added to your account. You can top-up and shop, skip the top-up, or cancel your membership anytime.